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Miuras mouse | pike fishing

Miuras Mouse - The Unsung Hero of Pike Fishing

The Miuras Mouse Characterstics

Miuras Mouse characteristics an unique blend of bucktail and a plastic tail which makes it irresistible target for a hungry pike. With the Miuras Mouse lure, you can keep exceptional control even during windy conditions and fast drift fishing with the boat.
The big combination of tails with the flat “nose” in the front is great for pushing a lot of water, and the twin tail moves in all speed. A perfect snack for a big pike fish for an easy meal. This combination gives Miuras Mouse an unrivalled big fish catching ability – particularly when the fishing is slow and in pressured waters. You can fish even if it’s very shallow and you attaching a fastach sinker in the nose and fish it on any depth you want. This is a must-have lure for all the serious pike anglers.
Miuras Mouse | Pike Fishing Ireland

Miuras Mouse Lure History

Did you know? Miuras Mouse was designed by an Italian lure builder named Maurizio Carini. He discovered his love for fishing at 8 years old. In 2008, his stay in Ireland as a fishing guide for a professional team for a pike fishing competition led him to this revolutionary invention of Miuras Mouse, original and deadly in their own kind. Following years continued their improvement and experimenting in different waters, gaining more and more surprising results for the capture of large predator fish such as pike, catfish and black bass.


Miuras Mouse Tail | Pike Fishing

Best Fish Magnets

Miuras Mouse got much more recognition after the victory in FLY VS JERK 10 for Stefan Trumstedt and Pierre Monjarret, who caught a 127 cm/13,88 kg and a 114 cm/10,6 kg pike on the Miuras Mouse in the final episode, and boom the interest in this lure exploded. Thus, it became a true fish magnet.

Miuras Mouse | Pike Fishing