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Fish of the month

My Fish Moment

My fish moment November 2021 winners
Judges Votes are in! We have our first Winners
Congratulations Shane Nugent and Odhran Cannon as our first winner of My Fish Moment November
fish of the month winner
fish of the month junior
We would like to thank everyone who participated. We saw some great fish but unfortunately only one angler from each category can be the winner. Don’t lose hope, participate in My fish Moment for next month.
We are now accepting entries for December. See the info below on how to enter
Our judges will select the winner from the top 3 largest number of LIKES each pic receives at the end of the month.
The prices will be the same €150 for seniors and €75 voucher for juniors of Westin products, Europe's largest Predator brand.
wildhunter and westin
Please send your entry in this format
My Fish Moment
The only rules are that the angler must be in the picture and the picture must be visible and of good quality. Only picture with the 2 months recent timestamp will be accepted.
Send your photo on our messenger or Instagram dm or add our #myfishmoment to get featured on our socials.