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Trout Fishing Seasons Ireland

Trout Fishing Season: Start dates in Ireland

Trout Fishing In Ireland

Trout fishing season is just upon us and is soon to begin in Ireland, with the season opening up on different dates for each lake and River. We pulled together the key dates for when trout fishing begins and ends and for each lake and river. So if you are eager to get out there again, here are the start and end dates for Trout Fishing in Ireland and for the major lakes and Rivers. We have split it up by region as well



East of Ireland
Lake/River Start  End
River Fane March 1st September 30th
River Boyne March 1st September 30th
Lough Lene March 1st September 30th
River Liffey  March 1st  September 30th
South East of Ireland
Lake/River Start  End
River Nore March 17th September 30th
River Suir March 17th September 30th
River Barrow March 17th September 30th
River Slaney March 17th August 31st
River Boro March 10th September 15th
River Bann March 10th August 31st
Owenavorragh River March 15th September 30th
South West of Ireland
Lake/River Start End
River Lee February 15th October 12th
River Bandon February 15th September 30th
River Sullane March 2nd October 12th
Kerry Blackwater March 15th September 30th
River Laune February 15th September 30th
River Shannon, it's lakes and Tributaries
Lake/River Start End
River Fergus February 15th September 30th
Camcor River March 1st September 30th
Lough Derg March 15th September 30th
Lough Ree March 1st September 30th
Lough Ennell March 1st October 12th
Lough Owel March 1st October 12th
Lough Sheelin March 1st October 12th
Lough O’Flynn March 1st October 12th
Lake/River Start End
Lough Corrib February 15th September 30th
Lough Mask February 15th September 30th
Lough Carra March 1st September 30th
River Clare March 1st September 30th
Lough Cong March 17th August 31st
Finney River March 1st August 31st
Lough Conn February 15th September 30th
Lough Cullin February 15th September 30th
Donegal, Leitrim & Cavan
Lake/River Start End
Lough Melvin February 15th September 30th
Rosses Lakes Fisheries February 15th October 12th
Dunfanaghy Lakes February 15th October 12th