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deerhunting in Ireland

Deer hunting In Ireland

Deer Hunting in Ireland

Deer hunting in Ireland is a sport that has been going on for centuries here. Here we will look at a everything deer hunting from the species hunted here in Ireland and the seasons, to how to get a license to hunt deer.


Deer Species in Ireland and their seasons

Type of Deer

Hunting Period


Muntjac Deer

September 1 – August 31

All Counties

Female and Antlerless Red Deer

November 1 to February 28

All Counties

Male Red Deer

September 1 to December 31

All Counties

Female and Antlerless Sika deer

November 1 to February 28

All Counties

Male Sika Deer

September 1 to December 31

All Counties except Kerry

Female and Antlerless Deer

November 1 to February 28

All Counties except Kerry

Male Fallow Deer

September 1 to December 31

All Counties



Male Fallow Deer


Female Deer
Male Sika Deer
Female Sika Deer
Male Red Deer
Female Red Deer
Muntjac Deer


Deer Hunting License

To hunt deer in Ireland, you need a deer hunting license. A deer hunting license in Ireland is part of the Wildlife Act in 1976. The License is issued by the National Parks & Wildlife Service. Deer hunting licenses are issued for a year from August 1 to 31 July. Applications should be in before July 1 to allow time to process your application. You can find the deer hunter license application here. You have to email your application to